Monday, July 3, 2017

Action Items: Week of July 3

1. Call Governor McMaster and tell him to keep our voter information private!

The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, ahahahahaha, is demanding states surrender information about voters including names, addresses, voting history and the last four digits of Social Security numbers.  Call the governor and tell him that is unacceptable.

Governor Henry McMaster

"Hi, I'm a South Carolina resident and I'm calling to let Governor McMaster know that I strongly oppose releasing voter information to the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.  I believe that voter fraud investigation is a pretext for vote suppression and I demand that South Carolina preserve the sanctity of the secret ballot and refuse to cooperate with this request."

2.  Keep calling those senators about the healthcare bill!

The Senate is in recess, but keep calling those offices!  The GOP is going to try to sneak this one past the same way the House did; keep that pressure up!

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (855) 802-9355

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

"Hi, I'm ____ and I'm Senator _____'s constituent from ______.  I'm calling to urge the senator to vote against the Senate Better Care Reconciliation Act.  This bill would take away 22 million people's health insurance and make drastic cuts to Medicaid.  Two out of every five American children are on Medicaid.  Where, exactly, are these children supposed to get their healthcare?  Rural hospitals are major employers, but this bill could force 12 South Carolina hospitals to close.  Please vote against this inhumane bill."

3.  Attend the American Values Rally for Healthcare

Wednesday, July 5 from 6-8 PM at the South Carolina State House

The day after Independence Day, we will gather in our state's capital at the South Carolina Statehouse to reaffirm our commitment to the true American values: liberty and justice for ALL. This will be a peaceful, family-friendly, and inclusive gathering. Children and pets (on a leash) are welcome. No alcohol, fireworks, or open flames are allowed on Statehouse grounds, but please bring your American flags, 4th of July decorations (balloons, glow sticks, etc), and signs about how you or your family will be affected by this bill.