- Complete - make sure you have all the information. If you want us to call a company, find the phone number for the correct person to speak to. If you want us to show up at an event, get the date, time, and location. Do you want people to call senators, representatives, or both? Is there a specific committee to contact?
- High value - don't submit actions that don't have a big effect. Online petitions only take a moment of your time, but they also don't impress lawmakers very much because they only took a moment of your time. We prioritize items that involve showing up in person or making personal calls.
- In-depth - if you're sending in something you feel people should read, make sure it isn't just a brief article or listicle. The best "reading list" items are well-written reports that explain complex subjects, longform articles you can't grasp via the Facebook summary, or extensive guides.
- Correct - check the source. If you first read about it on a biased site, find the information from a neutral source. Don't just take somebody's word for it.
We will try to find room for good action items, but please be aware that we might not add yours to the list for a variety of reasons, including similarity to other actions we've just done and time and space constraints.
Promote new legislation to open up ERA amendment:
S.J. Res. 5, to immediately revive the consideration of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which needs to be ratified by only three additional states to ensure our Constitution finally guarantees full and equal protections to women.