Thursday, April 13, 2017

Action Items: Week of April 13


Call all your congressmen and tell them that you never want to see another push notice on your phone that oh by the way we just dropped the biggest non-nuclear bomb we have on Afghanistan.

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

"I'm ______ and I'm _______'s constituent from ________.  I'm calling to let him know that I was horrified to read that the United States dropped our largest non-nuclear bomb on Afghanistan.  How many innocent people were killed or injured by this weapon?  How many new enemies of America did we make today?  This response is disproportionate, designed to terrorize a population, and unacceptable to me and many other Americans."

2.  State House firearms safety bills

There are two bills coming up in the state Senate that relate to firearms purchases.  S449 is the Senate version of the permitless carry bill that passed the House as H3930.  It's going to the Senate Judiciary Committee next week.  Call the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee as well as your own state senator (, the link to find your senator is in the lower left corner) to tell them you are strongly opposed to this legislation.

Gerald Malloy 803.212.6172
Katrina Shealy 803.212.6320
Rex Rice 803.212.6100
Mike Fanning 803. 212.6024
Sandy Senn 803.212.6172

"Hi, I'm ______ from _____ and I'm calling because I am strongly opposed to S449, the permitless carry bill.  I am deeply afraid of the consequences of this bill; I would feel much less safe in South Carolina knowing that untrained people could carry firearms openly or concealed in public.  Law enforcement officers agree that this is bad for public safety; I urge you to vote against it."

Please also consider going in person to oppose this bill.  Fill the room April 18 at 3:30 PM in room 308 of the Gressette Building.

S159 is the Senate bill to close the "Charleston loophole".  It would extend the waiting period for firearms purchase while improvements in the process are made,  speed up the time given to court officials to record criminal information in the background check database, and create a panel to work to help improve the database.  This bill does have bipartisan support, but we want to make sure it passes.  Call your state senators ( and demand they vote for this bill.

"Hi, I'm _______, Senator _____'s constituent from ______, and I'm calling to urge the senator to vote for S159 which would close the Charleston loophole.  If background checks are used to screen firearms buyers they need to be fast, effective, and comprehensive."

Please also consider supporting this bill in person on April 20.

3.  Tax Day rallies

There are several events this Saturday, April 15.

Our Revolution is holding a rally supporting our taxes going to fund universal healthcare across the street from Joe Wilson's office.

Time: 1:3 PM
Location: 1700 Sunset Blvd, West Columbia, SC 29169

There is a Tax March at the State House demanding Trump's tax returns.

Time: 2-5 PM
Location: 1100 Gervais St, Columbia, South Carolina 29201

There is also a Tax March in Myrtle Beach demanding Trump's tax returns.

Time: 2-5 PM
Location: Valor Park
509 Farrow Parkway, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22dashboard%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22calendar_tab%22%7D]%7D

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