Monday, February 20, 2017

Action Items: Week of February 20

1. Celebrate President's Day in your own way. 

I suggest, on this most glum of President's Days, that there is a lot of value in going back and reminding ourselves of the history of the office and of the men (sigh) who have held it in the past.  The right seems, over the past several decades, to have taken the language and symbolism of patriotism as their own.  It's my opinion that we need to take it back.  Consider taking a few minutes to do some reading on our past Presidents.  There are some fantastic online resources to dip into; Google provides a very nice selection below, or dive into the many historical resources elsewhere.  Read some of John Adams' letters to his wife Abigail or Lincoln's addresses and correspondence.  Take a look at some of the maps Washington drew as a surveyor.  Pick up one of Obama's autobiographies.  Dip into the news coverage of Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose party.  Then read some transcripts of the Nixon tapes or the Clinton depositions.  Who were these guys?  Why did they seek office, and what did they do once they won it?  What can we learn from them, good and bad, about our current situation?

Annnnnd, back to work.

2. Call your senators in support of the Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act

S.65 is the Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act, sponsored by Elizabeth Warren.  Currently it's referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.  Call your Senators in support of this bill.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm a constituent of Senator _____ from ______.  I'm calling to urge the senator to support S.65, the Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act.  The President should be restrained by the same conflict of interest rules as any other government figure."

3. Call your state senators in support of independent redistricting

Nikki Setzler introduced a bill proposing an amendment to the state constitution (S 341) which would call for any new maps for state and congressional districts in South Carolina to be drawn by an independent panel.  Gerrymandered districts have created a massive network of safe seats for South Carolina lawmakers; even the ones that benefit Democrat candidates are a stumbling block to our democracy.  Call your state senators and ask them to support this bill.  It has been referred to the Judiciary Committee.  You will definitely be hearing more about this one from us.

Find your state senators by inputting your address in the search box at the bottom left here: (As we get into calling more state officials it's going to be much easier for you to just go ahead and find out who they are and put them in your phone; there are way too many possible state senators and representatives for me to list in these action lists.)

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm a constituent of Senator ______.  I'm calling to urge the senator to support S 341.  The gerrymandered districts of South Carolina have left many of its citizens unrepresented.  The next redistricting should be done fairly by an independent commission, not by the same politicians who benefit from safe unopposed seats.  The right to have our votes count is essential to the functioning of our democracy."

4.  Read this guide to affecting our missing lawmakers

The Indivisible folks have released a guide to what to do if you can't actually find your Congressmen because they're too chicken to come to town halls (or too chicken to stay at them, you know who you are Tim Scott.)  Read this, and be ready at our next meeting to start planning a town hall for the April recess.

5.  Bookmark the Resistance Calendar

Filmmaker Michael Moore has built a nationwide calendar that aims to include events from all resistance groups, everywhere.  It's an ambitious undertaking and it's in its infancy, but it's definitely something to keep an eye on.

6.  Come to our meeting!

We'll be meeting again this Saturday at 2 PM at Richland Library Southeast (that's the one on Garner's Ferry across from the Rush's.)  We'll be talking about future events and interest groups.  Come, and bring a friend!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Action Items: Week of February 13

1.  What's the automatic stay?  

The automatic stay is a legal tool which protects the environment in South Carolina.  Currently, in state permitting decisions, if there are concerns leading to a legal appeal of an agency-granted environmental permit, SC law allows an automatic stay to go into effect.  That puts the project on hold until the courts decide the appeal.  In other words, it's a pause button on construction projects while legal arguments are made.  S.105 and S.112 are bills before the Senate that would allow construction to continue in the meantime, even if the court would eventually have denied the project.  The problem with that is, obviously, you can't undredge a river, undrain a swamp, uncut a tree.

Local environmental groups have been doing a great job getting the word out about what seems like a somewhat esoteric legal issue.  That's exactly the kind of thing the opposition knows is hard to motivate people to call and act on.  Call your state senators and ask them to vote no on S.105 and S.112.

Find your state senators by inputting your address in the search box at the bottom left here: (As we get into calling more state officials it's going to be much easier for you to just go ahead and find out who they are and put them in your phone; there are way too many possible local state senators and representatives for me to list in these action lists.)

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm a constituent of _______ from _______.  I want to urge the senator to vote no on S.105 and S.112, which would remove the automatic stay from contested environmental projects.  The automatic stay is essential to protect our state's environment from damaging projects which may eventually have their permits denied."

(Thanks also to David Matos, who I only realized had suggested this action item through the website after I'd written this already.  You can suggest an action item too -

2. The Election Assistance Commission (from Lindsay Higgins via our Suggest an Action form)

HR 634 would eliminate the EAC, which is the only federal agency tasked with ensuring the security of voting machines. The EAC also helps states improve voting procedures. This bill passed through committee today and will soon be voted on by the whole House.  Ask your representatives to vote no on this bill.

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

"Hi, I'm _______ and I'm a constituent of _______ from ________.  I'm calling to ask the representative to vote no on HR 634, which would eliminate the Election Assistance Commission.  South Carolina especially needs the EAC - our machines are aging and many counties have had seriously voting issues in recent elections.  The right to vote is a cornerstone of our democracy, and making voting efficient is a key element of encouraging more citizens to exercise their franchise."

3.  The People's March

Monday, January 20 at 11 AM there will be a rally at the State House "where speakers will address the governor on a variety of social justice issues including Medicaid Expansion, Voting Rights, Quality Public Education, Prison Reform, Equal Rights for Women, Muslims, Hispanics, Native Americans & our LGBT Community, a $15 Minimum Wage and Collective Bargaining, Environmental Justice, Ending Domestic Violence in South Carolina, Ending the Mass Incarceration of Black Men in South Carolina and Common Sense Gun Legislation to name a few."  As this is President's Day, many people have the day off, so the organizers hope to see a substantial crowd.

They're asking each group to bring supplies; we've been tasked to bring water.  If you're going, please pick up a case of bottled water as you're doing your shopping to donate.  If everybody drops off one case, we'll have plenty.

4.  Well, here we are with DAPL again.

I'm sure nobody is surprised that construction will begin on the Dakota Access Pipeline again, but it's still disappointing, isn't it?  I'm sure that's their intent - eventually they assume we'll get exhausted and burn out on this.  Take a deep breath and start calling again, because Trump has signed an executive order to expedite the environmental review and start that pipeline rolling again.  The Standing Rock Sioux tribe is taking legal action, filing a suit that hinges on the Hobby Lobby legal victory to argue that the pipeline is an offense to their religious beliefs.  We can call our congressmen and ask that they do not allow the construction without the environmental oversight that was promised.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

"Hi, I'm _______ and I'm a constituent of ________ from ________.  I'm calling to tell him that I want him to fight the illegal fast tracking of environmental review for the Dakota Access Pipeline and that I urge him to put forward legislation to overturn the executive order which allowed it."

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Action Items: Week of February 6

1.  Protect the EPA.

There are several anti-EPA efforts happening at once.  Scott Priutt, Trump's nominee for head of the EPA, has close ties to fossil fuel industries and has historically opposed the mission of the agency.  Hundreds of current and former EPA employees have come out urging the Senate to reject Pruitt.

HR 861 is a current bill designed to dissolve the EPA entirely.

Call your Senators to oppose Pruitt's confirmation and your Representative to speak against HR 861.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

"Hi, I'm _______ and I'm Senator ____'s constituent from ______.  I'm calling to ask the Senator to oppose Scott Pruitt's confirmation.  As Attorney General of Oklahoma Pruitt made it clear he disagrees with the fundamental misssion of the EPA to keep Americans safe and our land, sky, and water unpolluted."

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm Representative _____'s constituent from ______.  I'm calling to urge the Representative to vote against HR 861, a bill which calls for the dissolution of the EPA.  EPA regulations keep Americans safe and our land, sky, and water unpolluted."

You can also call in to 844-241-1141 today, which is a daily action number, to hear about this item today and receive other action notices in the future.

2.  Immigration news

Many companies have come out against the immigration ban.  Here's one of many lists:

Keep this in mind as you shop in the coming weeks.  If you make a buying decision based on somebody's stance, let them know.  It's people like us who are driving Ivanka Trump merchandise out of retailers, keep it up!

There will be community education at Richland Northeast High School to answer immigration issues on February 28th from 4-5 p.m. in Spanish, and then again on March 2nd in English. For more information contact Nelly Jolly at 787-1910.  If you know somebody who needs this session, please pass the information along.

3.  Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Lobby Day

February 22nd from 9-1 consider joining Moms Demand Action at the State House to meet officials and argue for increased common sense gun laws in South Carolina.  You can sign up for updates at the link below.

3.  Scooby Doo, where are you?

Have any of you seen any of our Congressmen lately?  What, no town halls?  Nobody shook your hand?  Nobody kissed your baby?  You weren't one of the people who totally got Tim Scott on the phone in person?  (Have you tried giving him thousands of dollars?  I hear that helps.)  Call and ask for their schedules during congressional recess, which is Feburary 20-24.  We want to organize town halls and show up at events.