Monday, January 30, 2017

Action Items: Week of 1-30

Please note that some of these actions need to be done today or tomorrow.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door! (Some restrictions apply.)

On Friday, Trump signed an executive order banning anyone from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days.  This affects both visa holders and permanent residents of the United States; it also theoretically bans dual citizens from returning home to the US.  It also puts refugee processing on hold worldwide for three months and Syrian refugee processing on hold indefinitely.  People inbound on planes were detained at airports as protests coalesced around the nation; a New York federal judge issued a temporary stay in response to the ACLU but response from officials has been uneven.

1. Call Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham and John McCain released a statement condemning the immigration ban.  Call Graham's offices and thank him for standing up for American values.

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

"Hi, I'm ______ and I'm Senator Graham's constituent from ______.  I'm calling to applaud the senator for taking a stand against inhumane, un-American immigration policy that makes the world more dangerous, not safer, for America.  I'm also calling on him to ask that he continue to stand up for American values and protect refugees, immigrants, and American citizens by fighting this immigration ban and any future similar action."

2, Attend a protest

Unfortunately, we don't have an international airport locally.  South Carolina Welcomes Refugees and the Refugee Task Force of the Carolina Peace Resource Center are holding a protest at the State House on Tuesday, January 31 from 5-7.  It will face the traffic on Gervais and they're asking for no signs with profanity or specific anti-Trump focus. Please consider attending and making your voice heard.

3. Donate to the ACLU

The ACLU  has been fighting Trump's authoritarianism since day one; Saturday they won a stay on deportations from the immigration ban in federal court.  That kind of fight takes money and plenty of it.  Please consider sending the ACLU a few dollars this week so they can continue to fight the good fight.

Call Tim Scott - we haven't forgotten Betsey DeVos is still unqualified

I highly encourage you to read the article linked below from the Post and Courier if you ever wondered what Tim Scott thinks about his constituents who disagree with him.  (Spoiler:  not much.)  He's dismissing calls for being from out of state and for reading from scripts.  He's dismissing calls from educators as a union ploy.  Frankly, he's dismissing calls because he doesn't like them.  I know immigration is the hot ticket this week, but don't forget that the vote on DeVos is tomorrow and call Tim Scott and remind him who he works for.  (Then call him about immigration later this week.)  Do remember that while DeVos gives him money, we can choose whether or not to give him votes.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

Since Senator Scott thinks anybody reading from a script can't possibly have real concerns, as always feel free to write your own.
"Hi, I'm ______ and I'm Senator Scott's constituent from ______.  I was quite distressed to read in the Post and Courier that Senator Scott is so dismissive of the concerns of his constituents.  I believe Betsey DeVos is unqualified to be Secretary of Education; she has no experience in public school or higher education.  I also believe that anybody who has received as much money from a cabinet nominee as Senator Scott has should recuse himself from these hearings."

Attend our meeting and bring a friend

We're having a meeting!  This Sunday, February 5 at 2 PM at the Hyatt Park Recreation Center, come and bring a friend.  We'll be discussing congressional office visits and a rally we hope to put on later this month.

Promote healthcare deadline (URGENT)

Days ahead of the ACA signup deadline, Trump pulled all the ads for it.  Somehow this seems to have flown a little under the radar; millions in TV and radio ads have been pulled, so some people may not be aware that they only have a few days left to sign up for the ACA (or that the ACA still exists, for that matter.)  Mailings are also not going out.  Use your networks; post to social media, call people you know who may need a reminder, do whatever you can to do what the administration won't.

The deadline to enroll is January 31, which is tomorrow.  If people need help, they can sign up for an appointment here (  Walk-in appointments are also available from 9-9 on January 31 at Richland Library Main.  Here is some information about what to bring to an appointment:

Monday, January 23, 2017

Action Items: Week of January 23

So did anybody else have an exciting weekend?  Let's take this fantastic momentum and build a movement!  We are not throwing away our shot!

1.  Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?

Did you go to a march this weekend?  Travel to DC, bike to the State House, take time out of your Charleston weekend to rally?  Did you leave a sign at Trump Tower, walk with your sisters in Nairobi, knit a hat for a penguin in Antarctia?  Did you see Nick Offerman at Sundance?  (Was he super nice?  I bet he was super nice.)  We want to know about it!  Write up your march experience and comment here on this post or e-mail it to  Be as brief or discursive as you like, send us your pictures (only photos you took yourself); we want to feature them on our website.  If you don't want us to use your name, tell us how you'd like us to attribute it, otherwise we'll use your first name and initial.  Why did you march?  Would you do it again?  What was the crowd like?  How did it make you feel?  Have you ever gone to anything like this before or is this your first time?  What are you going to do now?  Make your story your own and let us know!

2.  Wait... is that the room where it happens?  Gross.

Henry McMaster, our new governor, is a member of Forest Lake Country Club.  You know who isn't a member of Forest Lake Country Club?  Any people of color.  It's unacceptable for a governor in 2017 to belong to a whites-only institution and doubly shameful for him to follow a governor who was a woman of color and the child of immigrants with this kind of baggage.  McMaster says he will not resign his membership.  Call his office and tell him he should.

Henry McMaster
(803) 734-2080

"Hi, my name is ______ and I'm calling from ______ to let Henry McMaster know that I feel it is unacceptable for the governor of my state to belong to Forest Lake Country Club, which is a segregated institution.  It's important for South Carolina to move forward from its legacy of racism and I don't feel it's possible to do that if our leadership looks backwards to this kind of institution.  I believe diversity makes South Carolina strong and I hope Mr. McMaster feels the same way."

3.  Rise up!  When are these colonies gonna rise up?!

A lot of people are energized today and they want to go do something!  Today, add three of your friends who are not already on our Facebook group to the group.  (You can do that by going to the main group page and clicking "add friends".)  If all of your Facebook friends are already members, or you know people who aren't on Facebook, refer three people to our website (  We're going to be doing a lot of work in the next few months to keep this momentum going!  Our next meeting is Sunday, February 5 at 2:00 PM at the Hyatt Park community center; we'll be talking about next actions including a rally!

4.  Washington on your side

This is the first action on the Women's March 10 Actions 100 Days plan.  "Write a postcard to your Senators about what matters most to you - and how you’re going to continue to fight for it in the days, weeks and months ahead."  There are downloadable postcards at the link below, or you can make your own or send postcards of the state or local landmarks to remind Senators Graham and Scott whose constituents you are.  (I plan to pick up some postcards the next time I'm at a SC state park.)  Tell your own unique story - what's important to you?  Immigrants' rights?  Mass incarceration?  Climate change?  Healthcare?  Put it in your own words and take a picture of your postcard before you send it so you can share it on social media.

5.  Say no to this!

Experts in authoritarianism advise to keep a list of things subtly changing around you so you realize what's not normal.  Amy Siskind is doing a fantastic job putting out a weekly list; read this week's list and sign up for updates.  You can read them on or follow her on Facebook.  Read this week's list, but also go back and reread previous lists, even if you read them before.  It's easy to forget things even if you're paying attention when so much is going on; that's what they want.  Don't let them get away with it.  Notice the trends.

6.  Get your education, don't forget from whence you came, and the world's gonna know your name

Wednesday January 25 is Carolina Day at the State House.  It's "a unique opportunity to use our voices to help our state's leaders recognize the tremendous positive impact our university has on South Carolina each and every day."  If we can get some people to go we'd like to use this as an opportunity to talk with state lawmakers about the importance of education and good education policy.  The information on attending is at this link; if you'd like to meet up with other members and go to this please comment on this post on Facebook.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Action Items: Week of January 16

1.  Feeling under the weather?

Many Democrats are boycotting the inauguration, following the lead of John Lewis (D-GA).  Our own James Clyburn has said that he may not be attending the inauguration, depending on the weather.  Tell Clyburn that there's something unhealthy about this climate but it isn't rain.

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

"Hi, I'm ______, a (constituent of Representative Clyburn/resident of South Carolina) and I would like to urge the Representative to join John Lewis and other Democrat representatives in boycotting the inauguration.  If he chooses not to attend, it's important to me that he clearly state a reason of conscience."

2.  We don't need no education!

Betsey DeVos doesn't have any experience with public schools of any kind.  In her committee hearing yesterday she seemed to lack knowledge and understanding of the rights of students with disabilities, high profile issues in testing and proficiency, and civil rights in education. What she does have is "possibly" 200 million in family money donations to the Republican party (she didn't seem to quite be able to remember when Sanders asked her during the hearing yesterday.)  I strongly recommend that you read the articles below as just a first glance at the problems with this appointment.  Her advocacy of poorly regulated charter schools in Michigan shouldn't be the national standard.

Senator Tim Scott is on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee before which DeVos is appearing.  He also accepted campaign donations in 2016 from DeVos and her husband.  Call his office and tell him we don't want somebody with no experience in education as the Secretary of Education.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm a consitutent of Senator Scott from ______.  I am very concerned about Betsey DuVos' appointment as Secretary of Education.  She has no experience whatsoever in public schools or in higher education, and I am concerned that she will not protect our most vulnerable students.  I am also aware that she is one of Senator Scott's campaign donors and I am concerned about that as well.  I want to strongly urge Senator Scott to vote against her confirmation."

You can also call Lindsey Graham's office about DeVos; the Senate as a whole will vote on confirmation of all of these appointees, but the committees first get an opportunity to recommend or not.

3.  I think that I shall never see a billboard lovely as a tree

This is our first public action item submission, from Tracy Seiler.  If you have action items you'd like to submit, please use our form.

Oppose Scott Pruitt for EPA head.

CALL your senators to tell them to oppose Scott Pruitt for EPA head. His confirmation hearing is Wed., Jan. 18.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

Hi, my name is (NAME) and I live in (CITY).
I'm calling to ask the Senator to commit to voting NO on the nomination of Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. We've worked too hard for new protections on our air, water and climate to let Pruitt dismantle them.
Thank you. on Pruitt's tendency to sue the EPA and act in favor of industries over regulation.
Petition against Pruitt from the Sierra Club with more info:
NDRC on Pruitt:

Monday, January 9, 2017

Action Items: Week of January 9

Stop! Cabinet time!

If we can only go after one in force it should be Jeff Sessions, who was deemed too racist to be a federal judge in 1986 and should never be Attorney General.  Sessions’ record on voting rights, race, abortion, LGBTQ rights, immigration, and pretty much everything else is reprehensible; read an ACLU report here

If further voting rights erosion is allowed to occur, it will only get harder to win back seats in 2018 and 2020.  If confirmed, Sessions will almost certainly not choose to direct the Justice Department to investigate voter disenfranchisement like what we’ve been seeing in North Carolina.  The NAACP staged a sit-in at his Alabama office which resulted in arrests. 

Call members of the Senate Judiciary committee (before Wednesday).

Chuck Grassley, Chairman (202) 224-3744
Diane Feinstein, Ranking Member  (202) 224-3841
“Hi, my name is ____ and I’m calling from ______ to state my opposition to Jeff Sessions’ nomination for Attorney General.  I do not believe he will protect civil liberties or voting rights.”
Marching orders
If you want to attend the Women’s March on Washington, today is your last day to book with Kelly Tours (by 5 PM).  Get crafty,make a hat! 

If you won’t be going to Washington, consider attending the rally at the State House that day organized by the South Carolina Progressive Network:

Consider joining their e-mail list; their monthly calendar of events includes events from a wide variety of groups.

You gotta fight!  For your right!  To an affordable pelvic exam!

Republicans have prioritized defunding PlannedParenthood as a part of their efforts to repeal Obamacare.  Keep in mind that no federal funding pays for abortion services; the effects of defunding Planned Parenthood would solely be to decrease the quality and availability of women’s health services, including cancer screenings, birth control, and STI testing.  The good news is, we only need to flip three Republicans to save Planned Parenthood, and if there’s one thing we have plenty of it’s Republicans.  Call your legislators (not the same day as the one where you call about the Cabinet appointments) and let them know you oppose any attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.  (If you’re in Clyburn’s district, still call him.  Can’t hurt.)

“Hi, I’m _____ calling from _____ and I want ______ to know that I strongly oppose any effort to defund Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood is the only available women’s health provider for many poor women; defunding it means there are women who would not have access to cancer screenings, birth control, and many other basic healthcare services.”

You want a revolution behind your eyes.

We got to get up and organize. 

Plan to come to our meeting!  Check the Facebook page for details as they emerge; we’re still settling on a location but it will be on Sunday January 15 and we’ll be presenting the work we’ve been doing on the steering committee and deciding on some future actions!  Be there or be a rectangular thing.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Action Items: Week of January 3

I've noticed a certain cooling off of the passionate fury I saw in the first few weeks after the election. I understand why; it's hard to keep that kind of red hot rage going for long, and everybody has a lot going on in their everyday lives. Plus, it gets easy to convince yourself that maybe separation of powers makes it all not so bad, that other people are handling it, etc. I think yesterday's news about the House Ethics debacle should serve as a wake up call - the very first thing Republicans in Congress did, the FIRST THING, was to gut independent ethics oversight. And they did it in secret. We need to act, and act now, in force.

1. Wait, they did what? CALL TODAY, TUESDAY.
With no advance warning and no public debate, the House Republicans voted to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics, which was an independent oversight office instated after 2008 scandal that revealed the House Ethics Committee to be less rigorous than necessary. While some Republicans claim that the new rules will work in much the same way to curtail ethics violations, the Office of Congressional Complaint Review will not take anonymous complaints, will be overseen by the Ethics Committee, and will not be required to make the results of all investigations public. This is obviously a huge blow to public information, if not to the public confidence in the ethics of our elected officials. Especially since they felt the need to do it secretly!

CALL YOUR HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE TODAY. The wider House vote is today on this issue.

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

“Hi, I’m Representative ____’s constituent from _____, and I want to voice in the strongest terms that I am extremely concerned about the House Republican action to silence the Office of Congressional Ethics. I believe that independent oversight is required to keep the House from sweeping ethical problems under the rug, and I believe that without these investigations made available to the public the voters lose a vital information tool. I’m urging the representative to vote against restructuring the House ethics tools.”


2. Show up in person to Lindsey Graham’s office
Of all the things we can do, showing up in person is one of the most powerful. 530, a global climate group, is organizing a Day of Denial on January 9 to show senators their constituents care about the appointment of climate change denying cabinet members. It’s 12-3 at his Hampton Street office, more details here: (there’s also a Facebook event.) I’m going.

3. Read up!
Consider following informative groups on Facebook or joining their e-mail lists to get well-sourced information flowing through your feed. Try the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU (national and state), and Amnesty International. I thought this e-mail from the SPLC was particularly good as a look back at their work in 2016.