Monday, January 23, 2017

Action Items: Week of January 23

So did anybody else have an exciting weekend?  Let's take this fantastic momentum and build a movement!  We are not throwing away our shot!

1.  Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?

Did you go to a march this weekend?  Travel to DC, bike to the State House, take time out of your Charleston weekend to rally?  Did you leave a sign at Trump Tower, walk with your sisters in Nairobi, knit a hat for a penguin in Antarctia?  Did you see Nick Offerman at Sundance?  (Was he super nice?  I bet he was super nice.)  We want to know about it!  Write up your march experience and comment here on this post or e-mail it to  Be as brief or discursive as you like, send us your pictures (only photos you took yourself); we want to feature them on our website.  If you don't want us to use your name, tell us how you'd like us to attribute it, otherwise we'll use your first name and initial.  Why did you march?  Would you do it again?  What was the crowd like?  How did it make you feel?  Have you ever gone to anything like this before or is this your first time?  What are you going to do now?  Make your story your own and let us know!

2.  Wait... is that the room where it happens?  Gross.

Henry McMaster, our new governor, is a member of Forest Lake Country Club.  You know who isn't a member of Forest Lake Country Club?  Any people of color.  It's unacceptable for a governor in 2017 to belong to a whites-only institution and doubly shameful for him to follow a governor who was a woman of color and the child of immigrants with this kind of baggage.  McMaster says he will not resign his membership.  Call his office and tell him he should.

Henry McMaster
(803) 734-2080

"Hi, my name is ______ and I'm calling from ______ to let Henry McMaster know that I feel it is unacceptable for the governor of my state to belong to Forest Lake Country Club, which is a segregated institution.  It's important for South Carolina to move forward from its legacy of racism and I don't feel it's possible to do that if our leadership looks backwards to this kind of institution.  I believe diversity makes South Carolina strong and I hope Mr. McMaster feels the same way."

3.  Rise up!  When are these colonies gonna rise up?!

A lot of people are energized today and they want to go do something!  Today, add three of your friends who are not already on our Facebook group to the group.  (You can do that by going to the main group page and clicking "add friends".)  If all of your Facebook friends are already members, or you know people who aren't on Facebook, refer three people to our website (  We're going to be doing a lot of work in the next few months to keep this momentum going!  Our next meeting is Sunday, February 5 at 2:00 PM at the Hyatt Park community center; we'll be talking about next actions including a rally!

4.  Washington on your side

This is the first action on the Women's March 10 Actions 100 Days plan.  "Write a postcard to your Senators about what matters most to you - and how you’re going to continue to fight for it in the days, weeks and months ahead."  There are downloadable postcards at the link below, or you can make your own or send postcards of the state or local landmarks to remind Senators Graham and Scott whose constituents you are.  (I plan to pick up some postcards the next time I'm at a SC state park.)  Tell your own unique story - what's important to you?  Immigrants' rights?  Mass incarceration?  Climate change?  Healthcare?  Put it in your own words and take a picture of your postcard before you send it so you can share it on social media.

5.  Say no to this!

Experts in authoritarianism advise to keep a list of things subtly changing around you so you realize what's not normal.  Amy Siskind is doing a fantastic job putting out a weekly list; read this week's list and sign up for updates.  You can read them on or follow her on Facebook.  Read this week's list, but also go back and reread previous lists, even if you read them before.  It's easy to forget things even if you're paying attention when so much is going on; that's what they want.  Don't let them get away with it.  Notice the trends.

6.  Get your education, don't forget from whence you came, and the world's gonna know your name

Wednesday January 25 is Carolina Day at the State House.  It's "a unique opportunity to use our voices to help our state's leaders recognize the tremendous positive impact our university has on South Carolina each and every day."  If we can get some people to go we'd like to use this as an opportunity to talk with state lawmakers about the importance of education and good education policy.  The information on attending is at this link; if you'd like to meet up with other members and go to this please comment on this post on Facebook.

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