1. Primaries in House District 5 and SC House District 70
Tomorrow (Tuesday, May 2) are primaries for the elections in these two races. If you live in either, go vote! If you know somebody who lives in either, tell them to go vote! Special elections are notoriously under-attended; get out the vote!
2. Defend the ACA (again)
They've finally gone and made TrumpCare mean enough to appeal to the Freedom Caucus. The MacArthur-Meadows amendment would allow the states to opt out of some of the ACA's insurance rules, including the ones that ban charging more to cover people with preexisting conditions and requiring plans to cover certain benefits.
Call your representatives and tell them you will not allow this to happen. This script is adapted from Indivisible:
Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100
Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041
I'm ______ and I'm Representative ________'s constituent from ________. I opposed TrumpCare, and will continue to hold _________ accountable for preserving quality, affordable coverage under the ACA.
The latest amendment makes the bill even worse by allowing states to end protections for people with pre-existing conditions. I expect _________ to stand up for the tens of thousands in our district who could be charged higher premiums.
The ACA is the law of the land. I will not tolerate any more time wasted on TrumpCare, which would take away care from 24 million people and cut Medicaid by $880 billion dollars in order to give tax cuts to the wealthy, insurance companies, and other big corporations.
Congress is responsible for ensuring the existing health care system works. We will hold _________ accountable for any action that makes healthcare more expensive or drives insurance companies out of the marketplaces.
3. Keep calling your state senators about that ridiculous gun bill
The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee meeting on S. 449 and S. 430 has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 2, 2017, in Room 209 of the Gressette Building, at 4:00 p.m. or 15 minutes following adjournment of the Senate, whichever is later.
S. 449 is the "constitutional carry" bill that would allow anybody who can legally buy a gun in South Carolina to carry it, concealed or openly, without additional training or permitting.
S430 would create penalties for people who knowingly buy guns in violation of laws.
Call your state senators (find them at scstatehouse.gov in the lower left corner) to tell them you oppose S. 449 and support S.430.
I'm ___________, Senator _______'s constituent, and I'm calling to tell him/her that I oppose the constitutional carry bill. Law enforcement has spoken out against this bill, stating that it would make their job harder. I think this bill is a terrible idea because it's impossible to separate law abiding citizens from criminals by sight. I also feel that it requires training to carry responsibly.
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