Wednesday, December 13, 2017

On Incorporation

There seems to be some confusion about incorporation of nonprofits.  It's a complicated subject involving tax law, so I thought I'd write up something to explain the issues at hand:

There are two kinds of non-profits relevant to activist groups.  If you want to be a 503(c)3, generally it's because you want donations to you to be tax deductible so you can offer that as a perk to donors and get more money.  For example, organizations like WREN and the Sierra Club are 503(c)3 nonprofits.  However, 503(c)3's are required by law to be limited in their political activity.  They can't be involved in ANY way with political campaigns, and while they can support issues and work in a nonpartisan way, they can't have a substantial part of their overall activities relate to influencing legislation or similar activities.  Obviously, that wouldn't work for our needs - we're here to influence legislation and get good progressive candidates elected!  So we can't incorporate as a 503(c)3.

A 503(c)4 nonprofit CAN do political work, and some activist groups do incorporate as a 503(c)4 or exist as the 503(c)4 arm of a 503(c)3.  However, donations to a 503(c)4 are NOT tax deductible.  That means there's no benefit to the donors to give to a 503(c)4.  The only reason to spend the money and time to incorporate as this kind of nonprofit is if you're bringing in enough donations that you've got a revenue stream to speak of.

Greater Columbia Action Together has approximately the revenue stream of your grandmother's sewing circle.  We are, however, even more transparent than Meemaw's get togethers because you know she don't give out her cookie recipes.  Here is a full and complete accounting of all of our financials:

We have 77.90 sitting in my husband's Zazzle account that's income from the t-shirts he designed for us.  That money will probably go towards our May Education Rally.

The March for Science GoFundMe brought in 1257.86 after GoFundMe's cut.  1243.98 went to Sound & Images for our PA system, chairs, etc.  71.46 went to Regal Prints for posters. 50 went to photography.  Sadly, the definition of "nonprofit" is not "group that doesn't make any money" - Michelle Edgar generously donated from her personal funds to make up the difference.

We took in some donations at our Wine and Writes; we bought postcard stamps.

Because we're not incorporated, we don't have a board.  We do have a leadership team, which is made up of me, Michelle Edgar, Autumn Perkins, Jane Dobreski, and Courtney Rounds.  We are a women-led organization.  We are always available to answer any questions you might have. I'd say the door to my office is always open, but I do most of my work for this organization sitting on my couch in my pajamas while my toddler watches PJ Masks. 

We also have a postal address.  We rented a PO box  because you are legally required to list a physical address on all mass e-mails and we felt it was a bad practice to use one of our personal addresses, in case the political climate worsens even further in the future.  Michelle pays for that, too.  You'll see it on the bottom of every e-mail I send you from MailChimp.  When we needed postcards, I bought them.  When we needed water and ice for the March for Science, everybody stopped by Publix on their way there.  When we did Wine and Writes, people brought wine.  We use free spaces to gather, free services like Blogger and MailChimp to get the word out, and the generosity of my husband Wallace for our graphic design.

All of our rallies and events at public locations like the State House that require permits for legal protests have been and will always be properly permitted.  When you attend one of our events, you know there will never be a question of whether we are legally allowed to be there. 

If in the future we start bringing in enough money that we have overages from events or general funds hanging around, we will incorporate.  Until then, we are a grassroots activist group like many other grassroots activist groups, few of which are incorporated.  Like your grandma's sewing circle, we are an all volunteer organization working together, and most of what we do is funded by people just pitching in.  And like your grandmother's sewing circle, we stay woke!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Action Items: Week of November 30

Stop this ridiculous tax cut!

This tax bill is a nightmare for the average American and an enormous giveaway for large corporations and the wealthy. This week, please take some time from your schedule to fight its passage in the Senate.

1. Call your senators.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (855) 802-9355
Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112
This script is from Indivisble. 
Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [part of state]. I’m calling to let [Congressman / Senator] know that I strongly oppose the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This tax bill is a scam that will give massive cuts to the wealthy, paid for by leaving tens of thousands of people in South Carolina uninsured, raising premiums, and raising taxes on middle-class families.
If you'd like to refresh your memory on how disastrous this tax bill is, there are resources here:

2. Complete Graham's survey

You may have gotten a survey from Lindsay Graham in your e-mail asking for your input. It's just one question. Check your e-mail to see if you got a request there (I don't know if there's tracking information that tells Graham's staff where you got the survey) but if you didn't get a message with the subject "I'd like to hear your opinion about tax reform in the Senate" you can also try this link:

Monday, September 25, 2017

Action Items: Week of September 25

1.  Don't think we've won the day yet on healthcare!

The Graham-Cassidy bill has been amended to be even worse - the amendments make it even easier for states to allow substandard coverage, and they include a big fat bribe for Alaska.  Call, call, call - they're expecting you to relax once McCain came in as a "no", but this is NOT over.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (855) 802-9355

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112
"I'm _____ and I'm a consitutent of Senator ______ calling to tell the senator that I am firmly opposed to the Graham-Cassidy bill, with or without amendments.  It represents an economic disaster for the state of South Carolina and a humanitarian disaster for its people."

2.  We stand with Planned Parenthood!

With all that's been going on in the Senate, it's easy to forget about Governor McMaster's August executive order cutting off funding for all healthcare providers connected with abortion clinics. Remember, it's already illegal for tax dollars to pay for abortions.  This order serves only to cut women's access to healthcare. Here's an article from August about the order:

Call McMaster and tell him that you don't support defunding these women's health clinics.

Governor Henry McMaster
(803) 734-2100

"Hi, I'm ______ from _____ and I'm calling to tell the governor I strongly oppose any attempt to defund Planned Parenthood or any other women's health provider for political gain.  These clinics provide women with cancer screenings, birth control, and health education, and I will fight any action that harms South Carolina's women."

3.  Support the DREAM Act!

Attend a concert at the State House on Friday, September 29 from 5-9, sponsored by Appleseed Legal Justice Center, to support and raise awareness for the DREAM Act.  Rock out to Space Coke and The Haves while making your voice heard for young immigrants.  See the Facebook invitation here:[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22bookmarks%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmarks_menu%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22[]%22%7D%2C%7B%22surface%22%3A%22dashboard%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22calendar_tab_event%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22[]%22%7D]%2C%22ref%22%3A46%2C%22source%22%3A2%7D

4. If you live in District 70 and have an opinion about the roads you drive on, speak up!

Representative Wendy Brawley of District 70 (southeast Richland County and west Sumter County) will be holding a town hall on roads on Thursday, September 28 at 6:30 at Hopkins Park.  Please see the Facebook invitation here:[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22main_list%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22%7B%5C%22page_id%5C%22%3A1822518011330338%2C%5C%22tour_id%5C%22%3Anull%7D%22%7D]%2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D

Monday, September 18, 2017

Action Items: Week of September 18

Deja vu, all over again!

Here we go again!  Everybody's favorite emotional rollercoaster, Lindsey Graham, has put us in this particular mess again.  The Graham-Cassidy bill is just as catastrophic to American healthcare as the previous repeal attempts, and it's sneakily close to a vote.  It's claimed that the Senate is within a few votes of passage.  For more information on this harmful bill:

So what are we doing about it?

1.  Call your senators.  Yes, Graham too.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (855) 802-9355

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm Senator ______'s constituent from _______.  I'm calling to let the senator know that I am against the Graham-Cassidy bill because it will leave many South Carolinans without healthcare or with inadequate healthcare that doesn't cover their needs and has no lifetime cap.  I'm especially against any plan that will leave healthcare without funding after 2026, which is stunningly irresponsible."

2.  Attend the events planned for this week

Indivisible Midlands has a Facebook event for a week of action against this bill:

Their tentative schedule is:

11:30 am -12:30 pm Tim Scott Office Visit/ Street Phone Bank
Where: 1901 Main Street (Bank of America building)
Host: Indivisible Midlands

Then head on over to the State House...
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Tell McMaster How SC Feels About His EO
Where: State House
Hosts: Progress South Carolina, WREN, Planned Parenthood

12:00 on - 2:00 pm Die-in at Lindsey Graham's Office
Where: 508 Hampton Street
Host: Indivisible Midlands

6:00 pm - 8:00 We The People
Where: State House
Host: Greater Columbia Action Together

Please try to attend one or all of these events - we all know that when progressives rest on our laurels because we think the fight is over, that's when they sneak around and pass things!

Friday, August 25, 2017

2018 A State of Many Faiths Calendar

Support Interfaith Partners of SC!

Interfaith Partners of SC, a group which fosters understanding and cooperation among the religious groups of our community, our state, and our world, is producing a 2018 calendar featuring information on each of 12 South Carolina religious groups and their important holidays.

Before 8/25/17: $12 donation each
Regular: $15 donation each
Order 10 or more: $11 donation each

Calendars will be mailed (or hand delivered, when possible) to you or your organization when they become available in September.

To order by check, please make your check payable to Interfaith Partners of SC. Write “2018 Calendar” in the subject line and mail it to:

Interfaith Partners of SC
PO Box 5301
Columbia, SC 29205

Questions? Please email IPSC at

Monday, July 3, 2017

Action Items: Week of July 3

1. Call Governor McMaster and tell him to keep our voter information private!

The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, ahahahahaha, is demanding states surrender information about voters including names, addresses, voting history and the last four digits of Social Security numbers.  Call the governor and tell him that is unacceptable.

Governor Henry McMaster

"Hi, I'm a South Carolina resident and I'm calling to let Governor McMaster know that I strongly oppose releasing voter information to the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.  I believe that voter fraud investigation is a pretext for vote suppression and I demand that South Carolina preserve the sanctity of the secret ballot and refuse to cooperate with this request."

2.  Keep calling those senators about the healthcare bill!

The Senate is in recess, but keep calling those offices!  The GOP is going to try to sneak this one past the same way the House did; keep that pressure up!

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (855) 802-9355

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

"Hi, I'm ____ and I'm Senator _____'s constituent from ______.  I'm calling to urge the senator to vote against the Senate Better Care Reconciliation Act.  This bill would take away 22 million people's health insurance and make drastic cuts to Medicaid.  Two out of every five American children are on Medicaid.  Where, exactly, are these children supposed to get their healthcare?  Rural hospitals are major employers, but this bill could force 12 South Carolina hospitals to close.  Please vote against this inhumane bill."

3.  Attend the American Values Rally for Healthcare

Wednesday, July 5 from 6-8 PM at the South Carolina State House

The day after Independence Day, we will gather in our state's capital at the South Carolina Statehouse to reaffirm our commitment to the true American values: liberty and justice for ALL. This will be a peaceful, family-friendly, and inclusive gathering. Children and pets (on a leash) are welcome. No alcohol, fireworks, or open flames are allowed on Statehouse grounds, but please bring your American flags, 4th of July decorations (balloons, glow sticks, etc), and signs about how you or your family will be affected by this bill.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Coalition Coconut Cake

Evidently everybody wants my coconut cake recipe now since we served it at the Coalition Summit last Saturday.  I got it from Martha Stewart, and she got it from Robert Carter of the Peninsula Grill in Charleston, but I've added my real-talk notes in purple italics.  You gotta start it a couple days ahead of time to let the filling sit overnight, and then let the cakes cool completely before you start slicing or frosting.

And yes. Yes that is two and a half pounds of butter.  What, do you want to live forever?  It does make a very large cake, in my defense.

Three days before


5 cups heavy cream - yes, five cups, if this makes you blink you should really stop here because this is not the recipe for you
3 cups sugar
1 pound (4 sticks) unsalted butter - look, did you come to play?
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
9 cups shredded sweetened coconut

Place cream, sugar, and butter in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally until sugar is dissolved. - Martha says medium but trust me, you're gonna want your big pot for this.  You do not want to see what five cups of cream and a pound of butter looks like when it boils over on your stove.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mix together cornstarch, vanilla, and 1 tablespoon water. Add to cream mixture, bring to a boil, and simmer until thickened, about 1 minute. - Ignore this tablespoon of water crap.  That's a trap for the unworthy.  You are not going to be able to mix a tablespoon of water into cornstarch.  Just add as much water as you need until it makes a slurry; you don't want lumps.  If you get lumps anyway, strain 'em out.  Lumps are gross.

Place coconut in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse until coconut is finely chopped. Remove cream mixture from heat and stir in coconut until well combined. Transfer to a large baking dish; let cool.
Cover filling with plastic wrap and chill overnight. Just before using, place mixture in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Beat until smooth and creamy, 4 to 5 minutes.

Two days before


Nonstick cooking spray with flour
1 pound unsalted butter, preferably European-style  - ha ha, Martha, you're adorable.  You don't need fancy butter but you do want it at least a little softened so your mixer doesn't do that thump thump thump thing.
3 cups sugar
6 large eggs
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tablespoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups heavy cream - go big or go home!
1 1/2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon coconut extract

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spray two 10-inch round cake pans with cooking spray; set aside. - I don't have ten inch pans; my smaller ones work fine with a little added time.

In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy, 5 to 6 minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, and beat until creamy, occasionally scraping down sides of the bowl using a spatula.

In a large bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. In a small bowl, mix together cream, vanilla, and coconut extract. With mixer on low speed, add flour mixture, alternating with cream mixture, beginning and ending with flour; beat until just combined. - Then clean up the giant mess you made with the flour.  

Pour batter into prepared cake pans and bake until a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean, 40 to 45 minutes. Let cool completely on a wire rack before removing cakes from pans. COMPLETELY.  Then throw them in the fridge overnight before you even think about putting your cake together.  You don't have time because it has to be done today?  You should have paid attention to my timeline.  I am ashamed.

Simple Syrup

You can make this stuff at any time, it keeps forever in your fridge

3/4 cup water

3/4 cup sugar

Place water and sugar in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, until sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool.

One day before

1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature  - What, Madge, no fancypants butter this time?
8 ounces cream cheese
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
5 cups confectioners' sugar
1 vanilla bean, scraped  - Nice if you have it, but it's fine without

Place butter and cream cheese in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment; beat until creamy.

With mixer on low speed, slowly add vanilla extract, seeds from vanilla bean, and confectioners' sugar. Continue beating until smooth and creamy, about 3 minutes.

2 cups sweetened shredded coconut flakes
2 Coconut Cake
Simple Syrup
Coconut Filling
Coconut Cake Frosting

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spread coconut flakes in an even layer on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Bake until golden, 5 to 7 minutes; set aside to cool. - It will probably take longer than that - you have to watch it like a hawk to keep it from burning.  Stir it some too.

Do NOT assemble your cake in a hot kitchen.  Definitely do not, for example, run out of counter space and assemble it on the stove surface on top of the oven you just used to toast coconut in.  Your icing will slump off your cake and it will look like it has a skin condition.

Using a serrated knife, trim tops of cakes to make level; discard trimmings.- Fool!  Eat the trimmings.  Cut each cake into 3 even layers. - Usually I would tell you to use dental floss to cut the layers, because it's easier than using a knife, but  floss didn't even make a dent in these cakes.  It's okay if they're all cattywampus, nobody will know once you're finished.  Place four strips of parchment paper around perimeter of a serving plate or lazy Susan. - This is so when you decorate your frosted cake with the toasted coconut you can remove the excess with the parchment.  If you've got a setup where it doesn't matter you can skip that step.

Place one layer on the cake plate. Brush with about one-fifth of the simple syrup. Spread over 2 cups of filling. Place a second layer on top.- If you break a layer, just shove it into place and dump some filling on it.  Seriously, nobody cares.  Repeat process with the next four layers and top with last remaining layer.

This will NOT FIT in a standard Tupperware Cake Taker.  Don't come crying to me when the top half slides off because you took a turn too hard and your cake was in a cutoff Amazon box; I warned you.

Spread top and sides of cake with frosting, keeping in mind you may not need to use all of it. - AHAHAHAHA you so crazy, M.  Press toasted coconut into sides of cake; remove parchment paper strips. Chill cake at least 5 hours and up to 5 days. Slice immediately; bring to room temperature before serving.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

March for Science Benediction: Dr. Will Moreau Goins

Wen' De ya Ho... Osiyo  As Chairman of the Interfaith Partners of South Carolina, I am here representing over 11 major faith traditions in South Carolina including Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Baha'i, Unitarian Universalist, Native American Spirituality, New Thought, and others.  I am here also representing the indigenous Native American people of this Palmetto State, the First South Carolinans.

We are all people who value science and recognize how science serves.  We come from all races, all religions and faith based communities, all gender identities, all sexual orientations, all abilities, all socioeconomic backgrounds, all political perspectives, and all nationalities and cultural backgrounds.

We are all interconnected, part of the same Human Family, one within the fabric of life.  Mother Earth is our source of life, not just a resource to be used and exploited.  We must protect our environment!  We must help unite this global diverse society, to save our human family, and instill respect among all peoples.

We are here to make it clear that facts and breakthroughs discovered by scientific means actually matter and should be used to shape public polities and that public investments in scientific research are worthwhile and can benefit all of society.  For the sake of our common home, Mother Earth, and for the future generations... seven generations in the future.

Science research and exploration has led to many scientific discoveries about the nature of our universe and its divine design.  Scientists have gone on to create technologies that are used in aerospace, consumer goods and electronics, biology, physics.  The same is true about research into vaccines and other medications that have benefited everyone, all of the human family, all of humankind.  We must stand up for their work and defend it.  We must defend the vital role science plays in our health, safety, economies, natural resources, and governments.

In a prayerful way, I come to you today, because it is necessary to acknowledge our interconnectedness, and the interconnected nature of all of creation, in the spirit of common but differentiated responsibility, we accept our duty to one another and to the stewardship of our planet blessed with the gift of life.  Our universe, our celestial home.

Oh, Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Divine Creator, call by many different names, Yo he wa, Wakonda, Wanka Tanka, Aasha Monetoo, Gitche Manitou Jissa, whose voice I hear in the wind, whose breath gives life to all the world.  Hear me; we need your strength and wisdom, today and in our future.  Held all of us to learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.  Make our hands respect the things you have made and our ears sharp to hear your voice make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught our human family, our people.

Today we have gathered here at the Capital of the Great state of South Carolina and see the cycles of life continue.  We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things.  So now, we bring our minds, hearts, and bodies together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as People, all part of the Human Family.  Celebrating Science.

We gather our minds to greet and thank the enlightened Teachers, Scientists, Researchers, Professors of Science who have come to help throughout the ages, all those that perform research towards a more comprehensive understanding of our natural surroundings, including physical, mathematical, and social realms.  When we forget how to live in harmony, they remind of us the way we were instructed to live as people.  With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to these caring Teachers and Scientists.

Now we turn our thoughts to the Creator, or Great Spirit, and send greetings and thanks for all the gifts of Creation.  Everything we need to live a good life is here on this Mother Earth.  For all the love that is still around us, we gather our minds together as one and send our choicest words of greetings and thanks to the Creator, the Great Spirit, the Divine mystery.

We pray for evidence based policymaking.  It is about protecting both the human environment and the natural environment.  We pray that we may become good stewards of all of creation.

Oh divine creator, inspire scientists to use their gifts well in studying the wonders of creation, thus bettering the lot of the human race and rendering greater glory our divine creator.

We know that you as our Creator have chosen to reveal to Humankind, partly through the study of the biological and physical sciences, limited insight into the processes and the world you have created.

We ask that you direct our research to reveal information that may be used to glorify you as our Creator.  We specifically pray that this information will influence those trained in the sciences and scientific method.

Let us greet the world in Thanksgiving as if we were sharing one mind, one heart, and one body.  Today we have gathered and come from many different places.  We have arrived safely at this place to share with each other our gifts from the Creator.

So we bring our minds together as one in Thanksgiving and Greetings to one another.  We now turn out thoughts to Earth Mother.  She continues to care for us and has not forgotten her instructions from the beginning of time.  Now we bring our minds together in Thanksgiving for the Earth.

We return thanks to our mother, the earth, which sustains us.  We return thanks to the rivers and streams, which supply us with water.  We return thanks to all herbs, which furnish medicines for the cure of diseases.  We return thanks to the corn, and to her sisters, the beans and squash, which give us life.  We return thanks to the bushes and trees, which provide us with fruit.  We return thanks to the wind, which, moving the air, has banished diseases.  We return thanks to the moon and the stars, which have given us their light when the sun was gone.

Most of all our Divine Creator, Great Spirit, Yo He Wah, O Ge Do Da Ga La La de hey he, may our efforts today be blessed, all our proceedings and all those participating

EY Men Na (e me nv)

Dr. Will Moreau Goins is the Chairman of Interfaith Partners of South Carolina and Chief of the Cherokee Indian Tribe of South Carolina.  He is a folklorist, cultural presenter, storyteller, chanter-singer, dancer, artist, educator, and arts administrator.  He holds bachelor's degrees in Communications and Anthropology and a Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Action Items: Week of May 1

 1.  Primaries in House District 5 and SC House District 70

Tomorrow (Tuesday, May 2) are primaries for the elections in these two races.  If you live in either, go vote!  If you know somebody who lives in either, tell them to go vote!  Special elections are notoriously under-attended; get out the vote!,_2017

2.  Defend the ACA (again)

They've finally gone and made TrumpCare mean enough to appeal to the Freedom Caucus.  The MacArthur-Meadows amendment would allow the states to opt out of some of the ACA's insurance rules, including the ones that ban charging more to cover people with preexisting conditions and requiring plans to cover certain benefits.

Call your representatives and tell them you will not allow this to happen.  This script is adapted from Indivisible:

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

I'm ______ and I'm Representative ________'s constituent from ________.  I opposed TrumpCare, and will continue to hold _________ accountable for preserving quality, affordable coverage under the ACA. 
The latest amendment makes the bill even worse by allowing states to end protections for people with pre-existing conditions. I expect _________ to stand up for the tens of thousands in our district who could be charged higher premiums. 
The ACA is the law of the land. I will not tolerate any more time wasted on TrumpCare, which would take away care from 24 million people and cut Medicaid by $880 billion dollars in order to give tax cuts to the wealthy, insurance companies, and other big corporations. 
Congress is responsible for ensuring the existing health care system works. We will hold _________ accountable for any action that makes healthcare more expensive or drives insurance companies out of the marketplaces.

3.  Keep calling your state senators about that ridiculous gun bill

The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee meeting on S. 449 and S. 430 has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 2, 2017, in Room 209 of the Gressette Building, at 4:00 p.m. or 15 minutes following adjournment of the Senate, whichever is later.

S. 449 is the "constitutional carry" bill that would allow anybody who can legally buy a gun in South Carolina to carry it, concealed or openly, without additional training or permitting.

S430 would create penalties for people who knowingly buy guns in violation of laws.

Call your state senators (find them at in the lower left corner) to tell them you oppose S. 449 and support S.430.

I'm ___________, Senator _______'s constituent, and I'm calling to tell him/her that I oppose the constitutional carry bill.  Law enforcement has spoken out against this bill, stating that it would make their job harder.  I think this bill is a terrible idea because it's impossible to separate law abiding citizens from criminals by sight.  I also feel that it requires training to carry responsibly.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

March for Science playlist

Several people asked me about the music we played before the speeches at the March for Science; please enjoy this Spotify playlist with over two hours of sciency music.  (I was sad we didn't get to "Still Alive", personally.)

Monday, April 24, 2017

March for Science Speeches: Dr. Duncan Buell

We are here to celebrate science, to support science, to support the support of scientific endeavors, and to support the use of science, its facts and its conclusions, and its truth (however inconvenient) in the making of public policy.

My expertise is in computation and mathematical analysis and in deducing conclusions from data. I will leave the bench science to those better qualified to speak about that, and will speak about what I know: how to take data and turn it into information that makes sense, how to manage that information, and how to communicate it to those who want it and need it.

The young men and women who come to my classrooms have never known a world without the internet, and yet this is actually a very new thing. The person who sent the first electronic message over a computer network anywhere on this planet is still alive and an active scholar. The former senator and vice president who sponsored the legislation that would give all Americans access to what is now the internet is still writing and speaking. The physicist who invented the world-wide web is younger than I am.

We have always needed good information for our safety and security. We didn’t use to be able to predict the paths of hurricanes and storms with anything like the accuracy we have today, and one of the milestone moments in computing history was the day in the early 1980s when it was possible to simulate 24 hours of weather in the US in less than 24 hours of compute time. Until that day, the best way to predict tomorrow’s weather was to wait until tomorrow to see what happened.

More than ever, we are relying on information for everything, and we are relying on information that is stored digitally.

What this means is that we are relying on the security and privacy of that information about us.

Without support for research in cybersecurity, our income tax databases in South Carolina might well be downloaded to Ukraine.

Oh, sorry, that already happened.

Without support for research in cybersecurity, the federal databases of personal information of people with security clearances, who have access to sensitive and classified information, might get downloaded to a hostile nation intent on doing us harm.

Oh, sorry, that already happened.

Without support for research in cybersecurity, our banking and credit card information might be downloaded for use by criminals, and we would all be targets for identity theft.

Oh, sorry, that already happened.

Some information, like where an aircraft carrier task force is, is impossible to keep secret, but there is other information that we as individuals and that we as a nation need to keep to ourselves.

In my world, it all comes down to information: getting the data, turning the data into information, and making sense of that information.

For that we need science, and we need support for science.

And when the conclusions of science are clear, we need to have public policy based on those conclusions and not on fantasy.

We should not be fudging the conclusions when we talk about coastal habitat change and erosion in the swamps of Louisiana or the low country of South Carolina, or melting of the polar ice caps, or the spread of disease in the annual flu season.

Data can be difficult to deal with. Truth can be inconvenient.

 But making policy based on pure fantasy is like blindfolding the batter and sending her out of the dugout to find home plate by random chance, to know to face the pitcher, and to swing at an unseen pitch.

Taking the blindfold off doesn’t guarantee a hit.

Leaving the blindfold on virtually guarantees failure.

Dr. Duncan Buell is NCR Chair and professor at the University of South Carolina, College of Engineering & Computing. Buell received a Ph.D. degree in 1976 in mathematics from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He was an assistant and associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at Louisiana State University. From 1986 to 2000 he worked on high-performance computing and computational mathematics at the Institute for Defense Analyses in support of the National Security Agency. In 1997 he was part of a team that received a Meritorious Unit Citation from Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet for a stunning achievement that required the largest single computation ever made in the U.S. intelligence community.  He joined the University of South Carolina in October 2000 as a professor and served nine years as chair of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.  He has research interests in electronic voting, digital humanities, and computer science education.

Thanks for marching with us!

The March for Science South Carolina was a great success.  We had about a thousand attendees on a Saturday with many conflicting events who suffered through the heat to stand up for science!  We'll be posting photos and speeches here over the next week or so, so check back regularly!

Photos from the March for Science satellite event at the S.C. State House.
Posted by Greater Columbia Action Together on Monday, April 24, 2017

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Action Items: Week of April 13


Call all your congressmen and tell them that you never want to see another push notice on your phone that oh by the way we just dropped the biggest non-nuclear bomb we have on Afghanistan.

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

"I'm ______ and I'm _______'s constituent from ________.  I'm calling to let him know that I was horrified to read that the United States dropped our largest non-nuclear bomb on Afghanistan.  How many innocent people were killed or injured by this weapon?  How many new enemies of America did we make today?  This response is disproportionate, designed to terrorize a population, and unacceptable to me and many other Americans."

2.  State House firearms safety bills

There are two bills coming up in the state Senate that relate to firearms purchases.  S449 is the Senate version of the permitless carry bill that passed the House as H3930.  It's going to the Senate Judiciary Committee next week.  Call the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee as well as your own state senator (, the link to find your senator is in the lower left corner) to tell them you are strongly opposed to this legislation.

Gerald Malloy 803.212.6172
Katrina Shealy 803.212.6320
Rex Rice 803.212.6100
Mike Fanning 803. 212.6024
Sandy Senn 803.212.6172

"Hi, I'm ______ from _____ and I'm calling because I am strongly opposed to S449, the permitless carry bill.  I am deeply afraid of the consequences of this bill; I would feel much less safe in South Carolina knowing that untrained people could carry firearms openly or concealed in public.  Law enforcement officers agree that this is bad for public safety; I urge you to vote against it."

Please also consider going in person to oppose this bill.  Fill the room April 18 at 3:30 PM in room 308 of the Gressette Building.

S159 is the Senate bill to close the "Charleston loophole".  It would extend the waiting period for firearms purchase while improvements in the process are made,  speed up the time given to court officials to record criminal information in the background check database, and create a panel to work to help improve the database.  This bill does have bipartisan support, but we want to make sure it passes.  Call your state senators ( and demand they vote for this bill.

"Hi, I'm _______, Senator _____'s constituent from ______, and I'm calling to urge the senator to vote for S159 which would close the Charleston loophole.  If background checks are used to screen firearms buyers they need to be fast, effective, and comprehensive."

Please also consider supporting this bill in person on April 20.

3.  Tax Day rallies

There are several events this Saturday, April 15.

Our Revolution is holding a rally supporting our taxes going to fund universal healthcare across the street from Joe Wilson's office.

Time: 1:3 PM
Location: 1700 Sunset Blvd, West Columbia, SC 29169

There is a Tax March at the State House demanding Trump's tax returns.

Time: 2-5 PM
Location: 1100 Gervais St, Columbia, South Carolina 29201

There is also a Tax March in Myrtle Beach demanding Trump's tax returns.

Time: 2-5 PM
Location: Valor Park
509 Farrow Parkway, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22dashboard%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22calendar_tab%22%7D]%7D

Thursday, April 6, 2017

March for Science

Greater Columbia Action Together is proud to be your host for the Columbia March for Science!  Watch the March for Science tab  at the top of the page for updates.  We have a great slate of speakers prepared for you and can't wait to see you come out strong for evidence based reasoning on April 22 at 11 AM at the South Carolina State House.

We are still in need of donations for sound system and equipment rental.  Please consider giving to our GoFundMe here.

Our Zazzle store now has some snazzy March for Science shirts! Get one for yourself, for your kids, for all of your gift giving needs!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Action Items: Week of April 3

1.  Call your state reps about "constitutional carry".

H 3930 would allow South Carolinans who are legally allowed to purchase firearms to carry them concealed or openly without a concealed carry permit.  This "Constitutional carry" bill will be debated Tuesday, and debate will be limited to two hours because of a Republican cloture vote.  Call your state representatives and ask that they vote against this bill.  You can look them up at (at the lower left corner of the page).

"Hi, I'm ______ and I'm Representative ________'s constituent from _______.  I'm calling to oppose H 3930.  I feel that gun owners need to have training to safely and appropriately carry concealed weapons in public, and I object to open carry in general.  Please vote against this bill for my safety and the safety of my family."

2.  Keep up with Amy Siskind's Authoritarian List

If you're not following Amy Siskind's enormously focused work in documenting things that are not normal, you should be.  This week in particular has a lot of items that were underreported.  (I, for example, completely missed the removal of LGBT people from the upcoming census.)  Read it, and then go back and read previous lists for things you've already forgotten about; so many things have already become normalized.

She also posts these lists on Facebook, if that's easier to keep up with.

3.  South Sudan is officially experiencing famine

This story has been relatively under-reported.  Actually, Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, and Somalia are all facing famine now.  "Famine has a very specific definition. It must meet three criteria before it can be declared: four out of every 10,000 children die each day, one in five families do not have enough food to meet basic human nutrition requirements, and one in three people are acutely malnourished to the point that they are too weak to go to school or work."  The human cost here is immeasurable.  Please consider donating:

International Rescue Committee:



4.  Call your senators to oppose the nuclear option for SCOTUS hearings

There is concern that Republicans in the Senate could call for the "nuclear option", which would kill the filibuster in the Senate and allow confirmation of Gorsuch with a simple majority.  Call your senators and demand they refrain from doing this.  I took and edited down this script from Indivisible:

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

"Hi, I'm ______ and I'm a constituent of Senator _______'s from ______.  I'm calling to ask the Senator to publicly pledge that Judge Gorsuch will only be confirmed to the Supreme Court if he receives a filibuster-proof majority (60 votes) in the full Senate.  Please let the Senator know that I expect him to uphold the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees. In the history of our country, every single justice to sit on the Supreme Court has received the approval of a filibuster-proof majority. This is a vital check-and-balance in our democracy, and an important function of the United States Senate. Supreme Court Justices enjoy lifetime terms, and they should not be selected on the temporary whims on on political party or the other."

The Indivisible script is longer and invites more discussion with the staffer on the line; you may want to use that instead.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Where does your tax money go?

By Jay Bender

Where does your tax money go? In most instances it supports direct government activities such as schools, police, housing, public health and the like.

But in many instances your tax money is transferred to nonprofit corporations that have convinced government leaders that they perform a service worthy of public support. Museums, festivals, parks, and tourism promoters are common nonprofit recipients of public funds.

There is a bill, H.3931, pending in the House of Representatives, that would exempt nonprofit organizations getting public funds from the Freedom of Information Act.

The bill is being promoted as a way to make nonprofits accountable to the governments that provide funding by requiring filing of general statements about how your money is being spent. If you believe that nonsense, I have some beachfront property in Walhalla for sale.

In too many instances, those doling out your money are benefiting from the use of those funds to hire their relatives or worse. If this bill passes, we will never know.

Some legislators have been told nonprofits are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act, and this bill will add “transparency.” Nonprofits receiving or spending your money are already subject to the open government law, and you are entitled to see their records. All you have to do is ask.

In 1974 the General Assembly enacted the Freedom of Information Act, based on a finding that it was vital in a democratic society that public business be conducted in an open and public manner. The Supreme Court of South Carolina has repeatedly ruled that this law exists to prevent secret government activity.

One mechanism used to hide government activity has been through the use of nonprofit corporations. The University of South Carolina for years hid a presidential slush fund behind a nonprofit foundation. When the public and press demanded an accounting of the foundation’s activities through Freedom of Information Act requests, the foundation refused to provide access saying the law did not apply to it because it was a nonprofit corporation.

The S.C. Supreme Court said otherwise. The court looked to the definition in the law of those organizations to which the law applied. These organizations are identified in the law as “public bodies.” If an entity is a public body it is required to disclose certain records and conduct its meetings in a prescribed manner.

A “public body” includes “any organization, corporation, or agency supported in whole or in part by public funds or expending public funds.” The USC Foundation met this definition, and, as a consequence, was required to account for how it spent its money. When exposed to public scrutiny many of the expenditures, such as gifts to elected officials and lavish speaking fees, were questioned and protested.

Is there value in knowing how a nonprofit organization that gets tax money spends that money? Most of us think so. If you know where the money is going, you have grounds to tell your representatives in government that you approve or disapprove of the way your money is being spent. We should be past the point where we will accept an assurance such as, “Trust me. Great things are being done with your money.”

There is too much evidence to the contrary that trust is not enough. In Richland County alone we’ve had a recreation commission paying inflated salaries to relatives who probably shouldn’t have been on the payroll in the first place. We’ve had the records of a high school booster club requested by the Attorney General who is investigating charges that much of the money is not accounted for. Two festival organizers are being questioned about what they have done with the public money they have received to conduct festivals that seem not to have happened.

I suspect certain nonprofit organizations across the state would be exposed to scorn or prosecution if their activities were subjected to public scrutiny. There are allegations in several parts of the state that tax money is being laundered by nonprofit corporations to fund political contributions.

The only thing transparent about H.3931 is the desire of organizations supported by or spending your money to do it in secret. This bill should be defeated.

If not, your tax dollars will go down a rabbit hole never to be heard from again. Tell your House member you want true accountability and defeat the bill.

Jay Bender is a retired media law professor and an attorney for the S.C. Press Association, and advocate for open government.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Meeting time change

Because of Lindsey Graham's town hall on Saturday the 25th, our meeting will move back to 3:45 instead of 2:00.  It's still at Richland Library Southeast.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Action Items: Week of March 20th

Whooo, boy.  So many things are happening now that it's difficult to pick just a few action items!  Take these as a jumping off point.

1.  Don't let Gorsuch fly under the radar!

I know there's a lot going on lately, but hearings are starting on Neil Gorsuch's Supreme Court nomination.  Now, let's not even get started on the fact that the failure of the GOP to even hold hearings on Merrick Garland is a continuing disgrace, nor that nobody under massive investigations should be allowed to name a justice that will serve until the icy hand of death (or retirement) checks and balances him.  Gorsuch seems like a reasonable pick in the Scalia mold in that he's a well respected jurist and senators may feel they have to confirm him.  However, he has consistently ruled for big business and for the rights of religious believers over others, as his Hobby Lobby and Little Sisters of the Poor rulings have indicated.  His ruling that employees can be denied basic healthcare because of a religious belief that is counterfactual but "sincerely held" is dangerous and has no place on the Supreme Court.  Call your senators and tell them.

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

"Hi, I'm ____ and I'm Senator _____'s constituent from ______.  I'm calling to urge the senator to vote against the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch because I don't trust him to protect Americans from the religious beliefs of others.  I also do not feel that any justice, no matter how well qualified, should be confirmed until Merrick Garland recieves an appropriate hearing."

2.  Meals on Wheels?  Seriously?

Yeah, seriously.  Among many, many, many other programs, the Republican budget (which probably won't pass, but this gives an idea of what they want) cuts funding for Meals on Wheels, the service all those nice people volunteer for that brings a meal and some conversation to elderly and disabled people.  If you've got some time, please consider volunteering with this program; you may be the only person many homebound people see all day.  If you can't give time, consider giving money. Locally, contact Anne Shissias, Director of In-Home & Community Based Services with Senior Resources, by calling 803.252.7734 ext. 234 or by emailing

3.  Did you kiss Joe Wilson?  I hear he's Irish!

Joe Wilson hasn't held any town halls during his time in district.  He did, however, have plenty of time to smile and wave from atop a Humvee at the St. Patrick's Day parade.  Call him and demand he face his constituents.

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

"Hi, I'm Representative Wilson's constituent from ________.  I saw Mr. Wilson had the time to ride in the St. Patrick's Day Parade.  When will he be holding a town hall to hear his constituents' concerns face to face?"

Monday, March 6, 2017

Action Items: Week of March 6

1.  Tell Lindsey Graham that, yes, now.  We believe there is a reason now.  Or sooner, sooner is good too. We will also accept sooner than now.

At Lindsey Graham's town hall Saturday, he was asked frequently about Trump's tax returns.  He mentioned passing legislation that would require presidents to release their returns beginning in 2020 and that "we can subpoena his tax return" but "I will do that when I believe there's a reason to do that."

Even if there were not a myriad of other reasons to subpoena Trump's tax returns, accusations of Russian interference with the election and Trump's continued involvement with Russian business and politics provide as clear a reason as anybody should need, particularly since Graham has promised to investigate the Russian connection many times.  Call him and tell him we want those returns NOW.

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm Senator Graham's constituent from ________.  I'm calling to ask when Senator Graham is going to subpoena Trump's tax returns.  There was a reason to do it months ago, so I want to know when to expect it."

2.  Stand up for public education

H.R.610 is a bill that would do a lot of things, all of them disastrous for disadvantaged children.  (Because if you're going to hit somebody, it's only common sense to make sure it's somebody who can't hit back, right?)  Essentially it would strip the Education Department of all powers except to award block grants to states for vouchers.  That means all the federal requirements which protect the most vulnerable children would be gone.  It isn't expected to pass, but this is the direction the current administration and the Republican party want to take schools in.  Call your representative and tell them to vote against not just H.R.610 but against any efforts to defund and deregulate public schools.

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm Representative _____'s constituent from _______.  I'm calling to urge him to vote against H.R.610 and against any bill designed to defund public schools or to allow the most vulnerable children to slip through the cracks.  I think every child has a right to a good public education in America, with enough to eat and enough support for children with disabilities and hardships."

3.  Fill the room for 12 months of contraception

On March 8 at 9 AM, join WREN at the Blatt Building to show your support for the 12 Month Supply of Contraception bill, which would require private insurance providers and Medicare in SC to allow women to get a year's worth of birth control at once.  This is International Women's Day, which some people are taking off from paid and unpaid labor as a Day Without a Woman and others are celebrating in a variety of ways; here's one you can choose.  The Facebook event is here:

4. Make your voice heard for greenways!

The Gills Creek Greenway will be a wonderful bike thoroughfare and public recreation area that enhances the quality of life for many Columbia residents.  It needs your support!  Some in the affected neighborhoods are fighting the greenway's construction.  There are a few things you can do to show your support for more green spaces, more free places for people to be active, and more foregrounding of our city's waterways:
 - I don't usually suggest online petitions, but since this one is local it may have more impact.  It also has a few links with more information about the project.  Sign here:
 - E-mail and your county councilor about your support of the greenway.  Search here for your council district.
 - Call your councilor and let them know you support the Greenway.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Action Items: Week of February 27

1. Call in support of the BRIDGE Act

We've all seen the frightening stories coming out of increased immigration raids.  One specific action we can request Congress take is to move quickly on the BRIDGE (Bar Removal of Individuals Who Dream of Growing Our Economy) Act.  This is legislation introduced in the Senate by Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin to allow people who are protected under DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) to avoid deportation.  These people, also called Dreamers, have come forward and volunteered their information and information on their families in order to gain a legal status in this country; one has already been detained.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

"Hi, I'm ______ and I'm Senator Scott's constituent from ______.  I'm calling to strongly urge Senator Scott to support the BRIDGE Act.  Law abiding people who were brought to this country through no fault of their own who voluntarily came foward to register themselves are an asset to this nation and need to be protected.  Senator Scott should stand up and urge quick action to protect them."

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

"Hi, I'm ______ and I'm Senator Graham's constituent from _____.  I'm calling to thank Senator Graham for his introduction of the BRIDGE Act, and to urge him to push the Senate to act quickly to protect immigrants who voluntarily came forward to register for DACA.  I also want to strongly urge the Senator to push for broader immigration reform to protect all the other immigrants who have committed no serious crimes and extend to them the opportunities that we who were born here take for granted."

2.  Go see Lindsey!

This Saturday Lindsey Graham is holding a town hall at 10:30 AM at the Brooks Center for the Performing Arts in Clemson.  If you go, your best bet for getting to ask a question is to be careful about what you're wearing; this is the one time I don't want you to wear your Greater Columbia Action Together shirts!  There's a planning event on the 350 Columbia page (linked below).

3. Support better birth control legislation in South Carolina

SC bill H.3809 was introduced by Kirkman Finlay to allow women to obtain a year's worth of birth control at a time.  This would be an enormous help to women who don't live near a pharmacy or clinic, or who just need to have their medication supply more reliably available.  Look up your State House representative at (at the lower left corner of the page) and tell them you support this bill.

"Hi, I'm ______ and I'm Representative _______'s constituent.  I'm calling to support H.3809 to allow women to obtain a year's supply of contraception at once.  I support any measure which seeks to give women more control over their healthcare and fertility."

4. Visit the Islamic Center of Columbia

Our Muslim neighbors are holding a day of gratitude this Saturday, March 4, from 2-4 at the Islamic Center of Columbia (1929 Gervais Street Columbia, SC 29201).  Consider going to show your support!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Action Items: Week of February 20

1. Celebrate President's Day in your own way. 

I suggest, on this most glum of President's Days, that there is a lot of value in going back and reminding ourselves of the history of the office and of the men (sigh) who have held it in the past.  The right seems, over the past several decades, to have taken the language and symbolism of patriotism as their own.  It's my opinion that we need to take it back.  Consider taking a few minutes to do some reading on our past Presidents.  There are some fantastic online resources to dip into; Google provides a very nice selection below, or dive into the many historical resources elsewhere.  Read some of John Adams' letters to his wife Abigail or Lincoln's addresses and correspondence.  Take a look at some of the maps Washington drew as a surveyor.  Pick up one of Obama's autobiographies.  Dip into the news coverage of Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose party.  Then read some transcripts of the Nixon tapes or the Clinton depositions.  Who were these guys?  Why did they seek office, and what did they do once they won it?  What can we learn from them, good and bad, about our current situation?

Annnnnd, back to work.

2. Call your senators in support of the Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act

S.65 is the Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act, sponsored by Elizabeth Warren.  Currently it's referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.  Call your Senators in support of this bill.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm a constituent of Senator _____ from ______.  I'm calling to urge the senator to support S.65, the Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act.  The President should be restrained by the same conflict of interest rules as any other government figure."

3. Call your state senators in support of independent redistricting

Nikki Setzler introduced a bill proposing an amendment to the state constitution (S 341) which would call for any new maps for state and congressional districts in South Carolina to be drawn by an independent panel.  Gerrymandered districts have created a massive network of safe seats for South Carolina lawmakers; even the ones that benefit Democrat candidates are a stumbling block to our democracy.  Call your state senators and ask them to support this bill.  It has been referred to the Judiciary Committee.  You will definitely be hearing more about this one from us.

Find your state senators by inputting your address in the search box at the bottom left here: (As we get into calling more state officials it's going to be much easier for you to just go ahead and find out who they are and put them in your phone; there are way too many possible state senators and representatives for me to list in these action lists.)

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm a constituent of Senator ______.  I'm calling to urge the senator to support S 341.  The gerrymandered districts of South Carolina have left many of its citizens unrepresented.  The next redistricting should be done fairly by an independent commission, not by the same politicians who benefit from safe unopposed seats.  The right to have our votes count is essential to the functioning of our democracy."

4.  Read this guide to affecting our missing lawmakers

The Indivisible folks have released a guide to what to do if you can't actually find your Congressmen because they're too chicken to come to town halls (or too chicken to stay at them, you know who you are Tim Scott.)  Read this, and be ready at our next meeting to start planning a town hall for the April recess.

5.  Bookmark the Resistance Calendar

Filmmaker Michael Moore has built a nationwide calendar that aims to include events from all resistance groups, everywhere.  It's an ambitious undertaking and it's in its infancy, but it's definitely something to keep an eye on.

6.  Come to our meeting!

We'll be meeting again this Saturday at 2 PM at Richland Library Southeast (that's the one on Garner's Ferry across from the Rush's.)  We'll be talking about future events and interest groups.  Come, and bring a friend!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Action Items: Week of February 13

1.  What's the automatic stay?  

The automatic stay is a legal tool which protects the environment in South Carolina.  Currently, in state permitting decisions, if there are concerns leading to a legal appeal of an agency-granted environmental permit, SC law allows an automatic stay to go into effect.  That puts the project on hold until the courts decide the appeal.  In other words, it's a pause button on construction projects while legal arguments are made.  S.105 and S.112 are bills before the Senate that would allow construction to continue in the meantime, even if the court would eventually have denied the project.  The problem with that is, obviously, you can't undredge a river, undrain a swamp, uncut a tree.

Local environmental groups have been doing a great job getting the word out about what seems like a somewhat esoteric legal issue.  That's exactly the kind of thing the opposition knows is hard to motivate people to call and act on.  Call your state senators and ask them to vote no on S.105 and S.112.

Find your state senators by inputting your address in the search box at the bottom left here: (As we get into calling more state officials it's going to be much easier for you to just go ahead and find out who they are and put them in your phone; there are way too many possible local state senators and representatives for me to list in these action lists.)

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm a constituent of _______ from _______.  I want to urge the senator to vote no on S.105 and S.112, which would remove the automatic stay from contested environmental projects.  The automatic stay is essential to protect our state's environment from damaging projects which may eventually have their permits denied."

(Thanks also to David Matos, who I only realized had suggested this action item through the website after I'd written this already.  You can suggest an action item too -

2. The Election Assistance Commission (from Lindsay Higgins via our Suggest an Action form)

HR 634 would eliminate the EAC, which is the only federal agency tasked with ensuring the security of voting machines. The EAC also helps states improve voting procedures. This bill passed through committee today and will soon be voted on by the whole House.  Ask your representatives to vote no on this bill.

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

"Hi, I'm _______ and I'm a constituent of _______ from ________.  I'm calling to ask the representative to vote no on HR 634, which would eliminate the Election Assistance Commission.  South Carolina especially needs the EAC - our machines are aging and many counties have had seriously voting issues in recent elections.  The right to vote is a cornerstone of our democracy, and making voting efficient is a key element of encouraging more citizens to exercise their franchise."

3.  The People's March

Monday, January 20 at 11 AM there will be a rally at the State House "where speakers will address the governor on a variety of social justice issues including Medicaid Expansion, Voting Rights, Quality Public Education, Prison Reform, Equal Rights for Women, Muslims, Hispanics, Native Americans & our LGBT Community, a $15 Minimum Wage and Collective Bargaining, Environmental Justice, Ending Domestic Violence in South Carolina, Ending the Mass Incarceration of Black Men in South Carolina and Common Sense Gun Legislation to name a few."  As this is President's Day, many people have the day off, so the organizers hope to see a substantial crowd.

They're asking each group to bring supplies; we've been tasked to bring water.  If you're going, please pick up a case of bottled water as you're doing your shopping to donate.  If everybody drops off one case, we'll have plenty.

4.  Well, here we are with DAPL again.

I'm sure nobody is surprised that construction will begin on the Dakota Access Pipeline again, but it's still disappointing, isn't it?  I'm sure that's their intent - eventually they assume we'll get exhausted and burn out on this.  Take a deep breath and start calling again, because Trump has signed an executive order to expedite the environmental review and start that pipeline rolling again.  The Standing Rock Sioux tribe is taking legal action, filing a suit that hinges on the Hobby Lobby legal victory to argue that the pipeline is an offense to their religious beliefs.  We can call our congressmen and ask that they do not allow the construction without the environmental oversight that was promised.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

"Hi, I'm _______ and I'm a constituent of ________ from ________.  I'm calling to tell him that I want him to fight the illegal fast tracking of environmental review for the Dakota Access Pipeline and that I urge him to put forward legislation to overturn the executive order which allowed it."

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Action Items: Week of February 6

1.  Protect the EPA.

There are several anti-EPA efforts happening at once.  Scott Priutt, Trump's nominee for head of the EPA, has close ties to fossil fuel industries and has historically opposed the mission of the agency.  Hundreds of current and former EPA employees have come out urging the Senate to reject Pruitt.

HR 861 is a current bill designed to dissolve the EPA entirely.

Call your Senators to oppose Pruitt's confirmation and your Representative to speak against HR 861.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

"Hi, I'm _______ and I'm Senator ____'s constituent from ______.  I'm calling to ask the Senator to oppose Scott Pruitt's confirmation.  As Attorney General of Oklahoma Pruitt made it clear he disagrees with the fundamental misssion of the EPA to keep Americans safe and our land, sky, and water unpolluted."

Representative James Clyburn (6th District)
DC Office: (202)225-3315
Midlands Office: (803)799-1100

Representative Joe Wilson (2nd District)
DC Office (202) 225-2452
Midlands Office: (803) 939-0041

"Hi, I'm _____ and I'm Representative _____'s constituent from ______.  I'm calling to urge the Representative to vote against HR 861, a bill which calls for the dissolution of the EPA.  EPA regulations keep Americans safe and our land, sky, and water unpolluted."

You can also call in to 844-241-1141 today, which is a daily action number, to hear about this item today and receive other action notices in the future.

2.  Immigration news

Many companies have come out against the immigration ban.  Here's one of many lists:

Keep this in mind as you shop in the coming weeks.  If you make a buying decision based on somebody's stance, let them know.  It's people like us who are driving Ivanka Trump merchandise out of retailers, keep it up!

There will be community education at Richland Northeast High School to answer immigration issues on February 28th from 4-5 p.m. in Spanish, and then again on March 2nd in English. For more information contact Nelly Jolly at 787-1910.  If you know somebody who needs this session, please pass the information along.

3.  Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Lobby Day

February 22nd from 9-1 consider joining Moms Demand Action at the State House to meet officials and argue for increased common sense gun laws in South Carolina.  You can sign up for updates at the link below.

3.  Scooby Doo, where are you?

Have any of you seen any of our Congressmen lately?  What, no town halls?  Nobody shook your hand?  Nobody kissed your baby?  You weren't one of the people who totally got Tim Scott on the phone in person?  (Have you tried giving him thousands of dollars?  I hear that helps.)  Call and ask for their schedules during congressional recess, which is Feburary 20-24.  We want to organize town halls and show up at events.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Action Items: Week of 1-30

Please note that some of these actions need to be done today or tomorrow.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door! (Some restrictions apply.)

On Friday, Trump signed an executive order banning anyone from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days.  This affects both visa holders and permanent residents of the United States; it also theoretically bans dual citizens from returning home to the US.  It also puts refugee processing on hold worldwide for three months and Syrian refugee processing on hold indefinitely.  People inbound on planes were detained at airports as protests coalesced around the nation; a New York federal judge issued a temporary stay in response to the ACLU but response from officials has been uneven.

1. Call Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham and John McCain released a statement condemning the immigration ban.  Call Graham's offices and thank him for standing up for American values.

Senator Lindsey Graham
DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Midlands Office: (803) 933-0112

"Hi, I'm ______ and I'm Senator Graham's constituent from ______.  I'm calling to applaud the senator for taking a stand against inhumane, un-American immigration policy that makes the world more dangerous, not safer, for America.  I'm also calling on him to ask that he continue to stand up for American values and protect refugees, immigrants, and American citizens by fighting this immigration ban and any future similar action."

2, Attend a protest

Unfortunately, we don't have an international airport locally.  South Carolina Welcomes Refugees and the Refugee Task Force of the Carolina Peace Resource Center are holding a protest at the State House on Tuesday, January 31 from 5-7.  It will face the traffic on Gervais and they're asking for no signs with profanity or specific anti-Trump focus. Please consider attending and making your voice heard.

3. Donate to the ACLU

The ACLU  has been fighting Trump's authoritarianism since day one; Saturday they won a stay on deportations from the immigration ban in federal court.  That kind of fight takes money and plenty of it.  Please consider sending the ACLU a few dollars this week so they can continue to fight the good fight.

Call Tim Scott - we haven't forgotten Betsey DeVos is still unqualified

I highly encourage you to read the article linked below from the Post and Courier if you ever wondered what Tim Scott thinks about his constituents who disagree with him.  (Spoiler:  not much.)  He's dismissing calls for being from out of state and for reading from scripts.  He's dismissing calls from educators as a union ploy.  Frankly, he's dismissing calls because he doesn't like them.  I know immigration is the hot ticket this week, but don't forget that the vote on DeVos is tomorrow and call Tim Scott and remind him who he works for.  (Then call him about immigration later this week.)  Do remember that while DeVos gives him money, we can choose whether or not to give him votes.

Senator Tim Scott
DC Office: (202) 224-6121
Midlands Office: (803) 771-6112

Since Senator Scott thinks anybody reading from a script can't possibly have real concerns, as always feel free to write your own.
"Hi, I'm ______ and I'm Senator Scott's constituent from ______.  I was quite distressed to read in the Post and Courier that Senator Scott is so dismissive of the concerns of his constituents.  I believe Betsey DeVos is unqualified to be Secretary of Education; she has no experience in public school or higher education.  I also believe that anybody who has received as much money from a cabinet nominee as Senator Scott has should recuse himself from these hearings."

Attend our meeting and bring a friend

We're having a meeting!  This Sunday, February 5 at 2 PM at the Hyatt Park Recreation Center, come and bring a friend.  We'll be discussing congressional office visits and a rally we hope to put on later this month.

Promote healthcare deadline (URGENT)

Days ahead of the ACA signup deadline, Trump pulled all the ads for it.  Somehow this seems to have flown a little under the radar; millions in TV and radio ads have been pulled, so some people may not be aware that they only have a few days left to sign up for the ACA (or that the ACA still exists, for that matter.)  Mailings are also not going out.  Use your networks; post to social media, call people you know who may need a reminder, do whatever you can to do what the administration won't.

The deadline to enroll is January 31, which is tomorrow.  If people need help, they can sign up for an appointment here (  Walk-in appointments are also available from 9-9 on January 31 at Richland Library Main.  Here is some information about what to bring to an appointment: